Does anyone have idea about how questions are graded/scored in ACP-200 Confluence Administration ?
For example, if for a question two answers are to be chosen, will that be given more score than a question with single answer ? Will complexity of the question play a role ?
What % score is considered a pass ?
Your inputs are much appreciated.
All questions are equally weighted, the complexity of a question and the number of right answers you're asked to identify are not relevant.
For a question with a "select x", we were told the question should always tell you how many answers are needed (if it was more than one) so that you're not second-guessing. Those questions still score the same overall - if you have a "select 2 from 5", you need to get the right two to get the score, and it's the same score as a "1 from 4", "1 from 5" or "1 from 6"
But the exam software does not just take a totally random set of questions from the pool. It selects a certain proportion of questions by subject, as you'd expect, so it tries to test every area. But it also tries to take into account the complexity (broadly, length and number of answers), so that no-one is given an exam with all really short questions or all really long ones.