Created Jun 23, 2021, Last active Feb 12, 2025
When we switched to Bamboo, it changed the way we work with other teams in our company. Things we used to have to do manually: Change version numbers Make list of changes Run scripts manua...
I see you’ve grouped things by pain point and that’s helpful but am curious if there’s a set of go-to plays for all team types?
I want to change things up but could use ideas as to how.
It appears the products aren't necessary for using the Playbook but I'm curious how compatible they are.
Sometimes, people feel so busy that they believe it's easier to muscle through a project. In the long run, that may not actually save time or yield the best results. How can you gain favor internally...
Recommended Learning For You
Level up your skills with Atlassian learning
Redesign your workweek
Configure your calendar to prioritize high-impact work and goals. You'll learn how to set daily priorities, prioritize essential meetings, and schedule focus time.
How to run effective meetings
Lead efficient meetings that have clear goals, keep your attendees actively engaged, and use the Atlassian Playbook to improve meeting success.
How to build strategic guidance
Build a high-performing, effective team by providing clarity, defining success, and making it clear who will benefit from your efforts — a technique we call strategic guidance.
I'm not quite sure I understand how teams work within trello. At my work, I'm in a team with 2 colleagues. I'd like to share (almost) all boards with them. Most of our work will be together with...
For example, what if you have an even number of people and 2 vote green and 2 vote yellow. What color do you record?
Details: I like the idea of the health monitor but am unsure how often to do it. Weekly? Monthly? Annually?
What does it really mean? How long a play takes? Or how hard you have to think/work?
Should we do it for everyone on the team?
Hi All, I've just been introduced to Jira Software, by my software engineer and we will be rolling it out for our development teams, however as an entreprenuer managing multiple startups and managin...
Hey, the idea of a project poster is pretty neat. But I wonder where Atlassian does the actual work of 'creating' the project with all its facettes. You define the problem You envsion a solution Y...
Hey there! I was wonderung how Atlassian is actually planning a single feature using the feature kick-off. When you have a bigger project, everything happens in the project poster, which makes pretty...
We're on Jira 7.3.3. We also have Portfolio but it is currently not being used. I am one of four product owners who manage 60+ products. What is the best practice for managing multi...
Hey there! Just discovered the project poster and I think its awesome. Especially the problem space is definetely the thing we were missing a little bit whie we dove too fast into the solution space ...
Are there any discounts codes available we could use? We have a very small budget for education and i am trying to figure out how we can afford to send even 1 person to do one of the trainings. Anyth...
by Megha Narayan, Brand Specialist This is not the story of a team that was obviously broken. On the surface, we looked like your typical, high-power...
...ollaborative, it’s increasingly important for all team members to know how to facilitate meetings. This is especially true for teams using the Team Playbook. It’s by teams, for teams – not by teams, f...
by Dominic Price Since introducing the Health Monitor to teams outside Atlassian, we’ve gotten a lot of enthusiastic feedback. And quite a few questions, too. For some teams, the lingering que...
by Bernie Ferguson, Sr. Program Manager, R&D Ever since we launched the Atlassian Team Playbook in 2016, we’ve been peppered with questions from customers and members of our own teams. Mos...
Did you know that there's a special day for admins? Every year, on this one day, they seem to be more happy than on any other day. Most people don't know why, but this always happens on the last...
I want my team to run a health monitor from the team playbook but am unsure how to introduce it to my team as something they'll want to participate in.
Similarly to my other question, I am wondering how to get started and hoping the Community can help with some tips.
I think the Playbook makes sense and there's a lot of good direction, but the challenging part of that sentiment is the fact that "there is a lot." Where do I start? And how?
Currently searching on Team supports positive searches aka: Show me all issues assigned to team X jql: project=project and team="team X" Show me all issues assigned to multiple teams ( X, Y, Z) ...
Greetings, Changemakers, Welcome to the Teamwork Lab! From individual teams to entire companies, people have shared beliefs, rituals, and operating principles. It is these human engagements that make up the magic behind memorable, successful teams. This group gets that. We are leaders of the humanity in teamwork. We seek to improve our teams, our companies, and ourselves, coaching each other and sharing lessons learned.
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