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Where do I find people interested in the UX / IA of Work Management Software like Jira?

David Pratten October 7, 2021

Not sure if I'm in the right forum, but here goes.

I'm looking for a community of practice/ discussion group centred around the UX and Information Architecture of Work Management Software like Jira.

Please let me know where the #ux and #ia types thinking about work management softward hang out!

Here is what I'm interested in working on with others ...

It is my belief that Jira (and likely, all popular work management platforms) impose work on Kanban Teams, Scrum Masters and Project Managers that could be taken care of by the platform. 

For example, the work to keep the information in Jira self-coherent is non-trivial. One obvious example is the partial and ad-hoc support in Jira for coherence of nested Epics/Issues/ and Sub-tasks. This is evidenced by the considerable number of Jira Automations and Workflow steps that are bespoked by everyone to increase the level of coherence between the levels in cascading Epics, Issues and Sub-tasks.

Just to be clear, my interest here is not to criticise Jira. Give me a popular work management solution, and I'm pretty sure we can find a set of user actions that will render the information inconsistent.

My thesis is that we can increase the UX of Scrum Master and Project Managers to the extent that the work management platform offers them operations with guarantees. The operations update the issues/tickets/ projects or whatever AND guarantee to leave the information coherent and consistent. 

If you are interested to see work that I have already undertaking in this area see:

Hoping to find others of like mind.

All the best,





2 answers

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1 vote
Colum McAndrew October 7, 2021

It's a great question David. I think the issue here is that whilst there are general principles about how information architecture should be used, particularly if using the agile methodology, I've found that there is no one size fits all solution. You make the system work for you rather than the other way around. Tools like Jira have to fit into that model to be financially viable.

This is also true of other tools I've used for various purposes throughout the years. No one tool meets all your requirements, unless it has been specifically written for your needs. Whether it is tools offering scripting, APIs, or automation, they cater for the requirements of the many. That way the "solution" offered by companies like Atlassian, allows the user base to meet their requirements whilst maintaining the tool's economic viability.

David Pratten October 7, 2021

Thanks Colum,

The lens that you have brought is a helpful one and your comments are well taken. Jira as an example supports generality and speciality. 

I'd like to join a discussion with people thinking about the common use cases required by Scrum Masters and Project Managers and applying #ux and #ia to their tool use.  How often are Scrum Masters and Project Managers stuck updating Jira (or another Work Management platform) using operations that don't guarantee that the information will stay coherent after their update?


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Colum McAndrew October 7, 2021
David Pratten October 8, 2021

Thanks Colum for the pointers, I'll follow up on that.  David

Bill Sheboy
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October 8, 2021

Removing my post.

0 votes
Paul Douglas October 7, 2021

Hi David,


Interesting topic - havent got anything to add right now, but I am interested in getting an invite to your slack instance. (tried linked in but need to be premium to drop you a message)




David Pratten October 8, 2021

Hi Paul,  

Not much happening on the slack channel.  Reach out on LinkedIn!  


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