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Sourcetree using wrong user name and won't push due to validation error

Logan August 20, 2021

I have a situation on my new Windows 10 laptop and haven't been able to figure it out. This all works fine on my former laptop. When I commit and push using Sourcetree 3.4.5 or 3.4.6, it clearly shows my correct user name and user email, but after the commit, I get the message below that the user name is not valid. It is somehow pulling the wrong user name from somewhere. 

I've checked everywhere. My .gitconfig is properly configured and the Settings > Advanced is set up to "Use global user settings". Everywhere I've looked, (Credentials Manager, .gitconfig, Repository Settings, CMD git config --global, etc.) shows the correct user name and user email. I can't find where it shows LOGAN anywhere.

To further test, I've backed up my repo, cloned a fresh copy, made all my coding updates, made sure and were still correct, committed the change, and still get the message below:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --tags --set-upstream origin feature/AEM-1700:feature/AEM-1700

POST git-receive-pack (3377 bytes)
remote: GUAVA Validation Error
remote: GUAVA Commit Checker
remote: Commit ID: 912efe7baacc396e256b3d97e3832c4682929cfa
remote: The User Name: LOGAN does not contain a valid UID. User Names must be of the format 'lastName, firstName (uid)' or 'uid' and the UID must be a valid ID.
remote: The email address for this user email must be in the format of: 'uid@*
and the UID in the email must match the UID of the user name.
remote: Please correct user information for User Name: "LOGAN" Email: <>

remote: Powered by GUAVA-19.11.01-SNAPSHOT
Where is Sourcetree getting LOGAN from and how can I change it?

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Logan August 20, 2021

So apparently there are issues with GUAVA, so it was disabled and I'm able to push commits.

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