Hey everyone,
Whether you’re new to the central source of truth or you’ve been sharing key information for years, we’ve all got a type.
Comment with an emoji (or emojis) for which Confluence user you are!
@Jenn Riek I love this!
I feel like I'm a combination of: "The Workaholic"😅 & "The Visual Master"👀
Though, I'm writing articles at 10pm and scheduling them for normal hours so that people don't know I'm working at night.
Also, how did you know my spelling is sub-par ;)
I'm the 👻 . But "Caspar" rather than "Abigail Crain".
I often get to a page, want to comment and find someone has said what I want to, but better. I rarely write new things, but I do add to, or update other people's stuff, again because someone has done better than I can as a starter and it could use, well, an update or more.
I fight my instinct to say nothing, I try to ignore that I don't think I have anything to say, but I usually lose.
I drift through cities of information, unhindered by physical blockages, but have very little influence beyond whispering at the active inhabitants, and asking the odd cat to push something off a table ;-)
I'd say:
I'm the opposite of @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- . I fight my instinct to say something about everything. :D