eazybi report: average of issues created per day

fbeck_br October 7, 2022

Hello !

I would like to create a bar-chart report (or a table):

One bar for each month.

The size of each bar (each month) should be the average of created issues per day.



July:  total of 300 issues     -> average per day (300 / 30) = 10 issues per day

August:  total of 210 issues -> average per day (210 / 30) = 7 issues per day

September: total of 150 issues -> average per day (150 / 30) = 5 issues per day


I tried to use the calculation (https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybi/analyze-and-visualize/create-reports#Createreports-Addstandardcalculationsbasedonaselectedmeasure) , but not sure if is it possible do do it.


2 answers

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Janis Plume _eazyBI_
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October 9, 2022


Considering the Time dimension is used in the report rows, the following custom measure should do the average calculation:

[Measures].[Issues created]/30

We can create a more advanced formula to have the exact number of days in the month:


([Measures].[Issues created])



Janis, eazyBI support 

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Kate Pawlak [Appsvio]
Community Leader
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October 7, 2022

Hi @fbeck_br ,

If you're using an app, I recommend you create a ticket on the eazyBI customer portal: https://eazybi.com/contact. Unfortunately, I see that you have to wait until Monday to receive an answer.



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