eazy BI SLA Report

Fadi Shahwan April 22, 2019


We are trying to get the below report in eazy BI but it doesn't work as expected.

Table Report to show the count of Met,Exceed and in progress 

Raw: Assignee 


Three fields "SLA indicator", each of these fields have one of 3 values "MET,Exceeded, In progress". any idea how can we get this report.


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Kat Jansen April 24, 2019


Since there is no dimension for SLAs in general, you don't be able to have that layered column header.

If it was only 1 SLA, you probably could. 

However, you can create each column with a tuple as long as you're willing to create 9 of them. Create them all in the Measures dimension and you'll be able to line them up like your table. i've included the code below, just replace <SLA> with the name of your SLA.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Met Tuple

[<SLA>].[Not breached])

Exceed Tuple (assuming you want the issues that have completed the SLA and breached it)


In Progress


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January 29, 2020

Hi o/

Where can I insert this code on Eazy BI?

Thanks :)

Kat Jansen January 29, 2020


In the Measures dimension you'll need to create a new calculated measure ('define new' should be at the very bottom of User Defined).

You may need to include [Measures].[<SLA> Issues] which includes only issues with that SLA. Tuples need a number to aggregate which is found in the Measures dimension.

So the met tuple would look like this:

([Measures].[<SLA> Issues],
[<SLA>].[Not breached])

edit the others similarly.

Hope this helps you build that SLA report!

-Kat Jansen

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