Xray requirement not updating in testng-results.xml

Deepak Ratan March 25, 2019

When I am running the POM.xml -> In testng-results.xml -> Requirement details not updating => @Xray(requirement = "MF-21", test = "MF-21", labels = "MOTO")


This is my code


package com.DD.testcases;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import com.DD.annotations.Xray;
import com.DD.base.TestBase;

public class Phaseone extends TestBase {

@Xray(requirement = "MF-21", test = "MF-21", labels = "MOTO")
public void placeorder(){
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30,TimeUnit.SECONDS) ;




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testng-results skipped="0" failed="1" ignored="0" total="1" passed="0">
<suite name="Testing Tool" duration-ms="626" started-at="2019-03-25T12:33:30Z" finished-at="2019-03-25T12:33:30Z">
<test name="placeorder" duration-ms="626" started-at="2019-03-25T12:33:30Z" finished-at="2019-03-25T12:33:30Z">
<class name="com.BrandCrock.testcases.Phaseone">
<test-method status="PASS" signature="setUp()[pri:0, instance:com.BrandCrock.testcases.Phaseone@5f9d02cb]" name="setUp" is-config="true" duration-ms="10881" started-at="2019-03-25T12:33:19Z" finished-at="2019-03-25T12:33:30Z">
</test-method> <!-- setUp -->

2 answers

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Syed Mohammad Soban
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November 13, 2019

I am also facng the same issue. Is there any solution available . Please help

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Deepak Ratan March 25, 2019

I have already verified this link 


but it's not working for me...!!!! 

Meghana Mallineni January 16, 2023

Hi you must have solved the issue, could you help me with the TestNG importing. 

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