Xray- Errors during testcase import

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January 4, 2022

While importing(csv/json) the Test Results into XRAY Jira , we are getting error message "xray": "Test type not present".

Could any of you please provide detailed steps and configuration files on importing test cases with execution results.



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Rogério Paiva - Xray Xporter
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January 13, 2022

Hi @priyak 

This error happens when the imported file does not have the Test Type information. It is essential to have this information since the file can have different Test Types, so it is necessary to have a field that tells Xray the type of the test.
Please check our documentation for additional details:

This applies to both formats, CSV or JSON.

Any additional questions, please get in touch with Xray Support (http://Xraysupport.getXray.app); we would gladly assist you.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Rogerio Paiva [Xray Support Team]

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February 10, 2022

@Rogério Paiva - Xray Xporter I have tried to import 90+ test cases in which the test type field is only copied and pasted, but during import i am getting this error only for 3 fields

Rogério Paiva - Xray Xporter
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February 18, 2022

@esha_adhya it depends on the information that you have on those 3 fields (or rows).

If something is wrong with the value or with the format is not correctly followed.

It is best to contact Xray support (http://Xraysupport.getXray.app) so that we can test your file and find what is causing the error.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Rogerio Paiva [Xray Support Team]

Mason W_ Foley June 16, 2022

There appears to be a problem here.  When exporting from JIRA with the "all fields" option, "test type" isn't present in the CSV file as an option.  Defect perhaps?  Or are you suggesting the column be added manually and then populate accordingly?

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Shivika_shah December 19, 2022

Did this work for any one? I am getting the same error.

Sandra Blaschke January 18, 2023

I'm trying to import one Test with multiple test steps. My CSV file looks similar to the example stated in the Xray Documentation: I have several rows, the Issue Id is always 1.

I'm getting the same error as stated above, when I only put the "test type" (manual in my case) in the first row. The error log says "xray": "Test type not present"

When I type the value in all of the rows, I can import my CSV file successfully, but then, Xray creates one Test per each row. Which is not what I want.

Did anyone have the same issues and has figured out a way to solve this?

Neeraja Nalla
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February 10, 2023

This worked for me on 19th Jan , now I am also facing the same issue. Unable to upload the test cases with multiple steps 

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