XRay Gadget - Only show used Test Run Status?

Julia Schlachter August 30, 2022

Overall Test Results Gadget


I am using the Overall Test Result Gadget in Jira Dashboard and Confluence. It always displays all possible Test Run Status above the Pie Chart and in table, even if every Test is Pass (or only 2 or 3 Status total). 


Problem: Graph contains the "important information". In our Case, sometimes the list of possible Test Run Status takes up more space than the Pie Chart (only containing 90% Pass and 10% Fail), making it hard to see the 10% Fail while having a lot of useless information. 


Question: Is there a way to only list used Test Run Status above Graph? I want to limit distraction (Why show "Blocked" if not Test is blocked? Or show 10 Status if all is pass?) 

If not possible right now - is there any reason not to suggest it as a new feature?


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Julia Schlachter September 13, 2022

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