Why is no option to mark a Test as Descoped or Invalid?

Alay Tolia August 26, 2018

It is a very common situation that tests defined, are later descoped or identified to be invalid. For institutions where audit and compliance procedures are strict, one can neither mark the test as done, or delete the test. How can I mark the test as N/A with a sub-category / reason e.g. Functionality Changed/Delayed, or e.g. No Time to Execute in that Sprint, and we do not want to just move it out, again to keep trace of the fact hat it was proiritized for that Sprint, but later moved out. 

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Alexandra Cretu
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October 2, 2020

Use a field like ‘Planned Host Name’ to add a note that the test is Descoped.

chavan April 7, 2022

Can you give more details on this field - Planned Host Name ?

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