Value from Smart Classifier field not showing in table view

Helene Roberts August 7, 2023

I have 6 forms i am trying to combinde, bulding up diffrent catalogs. 

FieldA "text field": Used to set value

FieldB "text field": Used to set value

Form3: (Combines value from Form1 and Form2.)
FieldC "Smart Classifier": Gets value from "Form1 and FieldA 
FieldD "Smart Classifier": Gets value from "Form2 and FieldB 

Form3 makes ut a catalog, where i only use FieldA once, and FieldB can be used multiple times. This so i can make a hirarcy on my record. 

Form4 : 
FieldE "text field": Used to set value

Form5 : 
FieldG "Smart Classifier": Gets value from "Form4 and FieldE 
FieldF "text field": Used to set value

FieldH "Smart Classifier": Gets value from "Form3 and FieldC and FieldD
FieldI "Smart Classifier": Gets value from "Form5 and FieldG and FieldF

My problem is this:
In "Table view" the field FieldH (value from Form3 and FieldC and FieldD) will show.
But dose not show the value in FieldI, if the order is this:

If i rewerse the order in FieldI It will show in the Table view:

But i need it to be this order:


2 answers

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Helene Roberts August 10, 2023


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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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August 8, 2023

Hi @Helene Roberts 

Are you creating a view over your Form6?

And want the values to be sorted by FieldG and FieldF?

FieldI.FieldG.FieldE ASC, FieldI.FieldF ASC


Helene Roberts August 10, 2023

Thank you for your reply :)

i dont mean filtering "Orderd by ASC", i ment the actual order i put the field inside the smart classifier.

I think it may have somthing to do with the naming of the field.

I have the same problem in a less complicatet strukture also, 

Her is an example:
I have tre forms. 

FieldA "text field": Used to set value

FieldB - Smart classifier: Gets value from FieldA (Naming i view: FieldB.FieldA)
FieldC "text field": Used to set new value. 

Smart classifier: Gets value from FieldB and FieldC
FieldF "text field": Used to set value

Naming in view:
FieldD.FieldB (This is the field that do not show the walue, the walue comes from form1

Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Community Leader
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August 10, 2023

Sorry, I am lost

I though you were asking about data presentation in a sorted way.

But now... I have no idea what is the problem


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