In a quest to migrate from static spreadsheets to dynamic dashboards, I've been seeing how far I can push the Qotilabs Rich Filters Plugin. I have a specific issuetype that uses a series of subtasks assigned to different individuals that need to be completed in a specific sequence. We use Google Sheets to alternatively display Status, Assignee, and Due Date per subtask, arranged in an easy to reference matrix.
I've got the first view I need working, the status view, with Smart Filter columns using the issueFunction in parentsOf() scriptrunner line, and three colour coded labels to return To Do/In Progress/Done statuses. This produces a matrix with my ~30 parent issues in a list in the Y axis, and the 9 subtasks per parent, each in their own column, in the X axis. The end result looks like this (issuekeys and column headings cropped out):
I'd like to use the Views functionality for Rich Filters to also have an Assignee view and a Due Date view arranged in the same way, but with this basic setup I would need to use Smart Filter labels to display hard-coded assignees and dates. This is obviously not an ideal solution, since assignees and dates might change, and since my stock list for each exceeds the 10 label maximum.
What I effectively need is to be able to populate the smart filter label field with a variable, i.e., issueFunction in parentsOf() will return one ticket per parent and subtask column, and if I could display the actual value of the assignee or due date of that ticket in the label space, that would be ideal. However, it seems that functionality doesn't exist, so I need some other way to return the values for these issue fields in a matrix like this. Maybe that's a different rich filtering gadget, or another plugin, but I'm stuck. Any thoughts?