Unsatisfied depedency when using ActiveObjects

Alexander Verzakov
August 28, 2019


I try add ActiveObjects storage service to plugin but get on runtime

Error autowiring Action 'com.avvd.jira.plugin.defaulter.WebWork'.
Error creating bean with name 'com.avvd.jira.plugin.defaulter.WebWork':
Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0
of type [com.atlassian.activeobjects.external.ActiveObjects]:
No qualifying bean of type [com.atlassian.activeobjects.external.ActiveObjects]
found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate
for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {@com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.ComponentImport(value=)};
nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [com.atlassian.activeobjects.external.ActiveObjects]
found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {@com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.ComponentImport(value=)}

 Plugin access point is

public class WebWork extends JiraWebActionSupport {

private ConfigurationStorageService configurationStorageService;

public WebWork(@ComponentImport ActiveObjects ao)
this.configurationStorageService = new ConfigurationStorageService(ao);
public String doExecute()

Storage service 

public class ConfigurationStorageService implements ConfigurationStorage {

private ActiveObjects ao;
public ConfigurationStorageService(ActiveObjects ao){this.ao = ao;}


<!-- Add package to export here -->
<!-- Add package import here -->



Also don't miss create entity in atlassian-plugin.xml
What i miss?
Thank for advice.


4 answers

0 votes
Alexander Verzakov
September 20, 2019

I found that IDEA highlights 


With warning: This custom Spring bean has not yet been parsed.

0 votes
Alexander Verzakov
August 30, 2019

This is repository. In case i will resolve this issue, i place solution there.



0 votes
Nir Haimov
Community Leader
Community Leader
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August 28, 2019


I am working with AO in some of my projects...

But I didn't understand what you did here, what do you mean by "Plugin access point"?

You should use AO to create a table inside your Jira database.

So you need first to create an interface which represent the table and it's columns like:

import net.java.ao.Accessor;
import net.java.ao.Entity;
import net.java.ao.Preload;
import net.java.ao.schema.Table;
import java.util.Date;

public interface MyInterface extends Entity {   
  public String getXXX();
    public void setXXX(String XXX);   

    public Date getYYY();
    public void setYYY(Date YYY);

Than create the service interface like:

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

public interface MyInterfaceService {   

MyInterface add(String XXX, Date YYY); 

/*other methods like update, delete and so on...    */

List<MyInterface> all();

Eventually your service is like:

import com.atlassian.activeobjects.external.ActiveObjects;
import com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.Scanned;
import com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.ComponentImport;
import net.java.ao.Query;

public class MyInterfaceServiceImpl implements MyInterfaceService {   
    private final ActiveObjects ao;   

    public MyInterfaceServiceImpl(ActiveObjects ao) {
        this.ao = ao;

    public MyInterface add(String XXX, Date YYY) {
        final MyInterface record = ao.create(MyInterface.class);
return record;

    any other method you created   

    public List<MyInterface> all() {
        return newArrayList(ao.find(MyInterface.class));

everything you want to do with you table, any method regarding it should be done in the service class.

Than if you want to use it in other classes you should do like:

public class Program {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Program.class);   
private final MyInterfaceServiceImpl myInterfaceServiceImpl    

public Program(MyInterfaceServiceImpl myInterfaceServiceImpl) {
        this.myInterfaceServiceImpl = myInterfaceServiceImpl;

public void main() {
   myInterfaceServiceImpl.add(XXX, YYY)

in plugin.xml

<ao key="ao-module">
    <description>The AO module for this plugin.</description>

If you do everything as I said I promise you it will work

Alexander Verzakov
August 29, 2019

Still no changes. 
Can you show your pom.xml?

Nir Haimov
Community Leader
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August 29, 2019

if there are no errors in your ide, then your probably fine...

Try to clean your project and re-run again

Alexander Verzakov
August 29, 2019

I am creating packages and run them on test instance. Yes. I doing this.

I download latest SDK(i have 6.x version) Simplify pom.xml and will try to check it up now.



but no changes

Alexander Verzakov
August 29, 2019

Can you give me your pom.xml file. I think that i declare maven plugin in the wrong way.

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Community Leader
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August 28, 2019

Have you got below in you atlassian-plugin.xml file?

<component-import key="ao" name="Active Objects service" interface="com.atlassian.activeobjects.external.ActiveObjects">  <description>Component to access Active Objects functionality from the plugin</description></component-import>

Alexander Verzakov
August 28, 2019

Not component-import. Just 

<ao key="Defaulter helper table">

 This is spring-scanner 

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 28, 2019

Please add above and try.

Alexander Verzakov
August 28, 2019

Add component-import and remove all annotations 
cause 0 beans of AO on runtime

it's fun and expectdly but when declairing service 

public class ConfigurationStorageService implements ConfigurationStorage {

private ActiveObjects ao;

public ConfigurationStorageService(@ComponentImport ActiveObjects ao){this.ao = ao;}

cause 2 AO beans

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