Unable to create page containing draw.io object by confluence template

Ralf Weidauer
September 30, 2022

I need to create confluence pages using confiForms and confluence temlates. These new pages should contain a simple draw.io object which users should be able to customise as needed.

I found a solution offer in a thread created on Jun17,2021 "Can't create draw.io diagram in confluence template". It says there were 3 techniques:

1. Create a draw.io custom template then insert it in a Confluence template

2. Insert a diagram from another page (using Recent or Search)

3. Embed a diagram from another page.

Unfortunately 1. is not an option, I have no administrative rights (but in the space I'm working in).

3. is not an option, since users should be able to work with their very own object instance.

So it has to be 2. which does not work:

What I did:

- create a page containing the draw.io "template" named "process template"

- insert draw.io macro in confluence template named "process_advanced" using the "Search" option

- save confluence template, this works allright

- generate entry on page with confiForms which calls "create page" using the "process_advanced" template


On the newly created page a message "Error 404" is shown instead of the diagram.

When opening the template for preview I get the information that an error occured when execution macro 'drawio' : "Could not check permissions for page: Template Preview v.1 (0) no suitable delegate found."

So, what can I do to fix this?

Any help would be highly appreciated!

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