Trying to auto create a traceability table linking requirements, tasks and testcases

Susan McDonough
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May 12, 2022

Requirements are listed in Google documents, and related Jira tickets(tasks) are linked to each requirement. Then testcases are written in Zephyr plug-in and linked to each Jira ticket.


For example Google doc has a requirement

Req #  - Description                                                                 - Jira ticket #

CRD-1 - Ability to restrict access by user role to review page - MYPROJ-123

Jira ticket MYPROJ-123 has a field called SRS-ID which contains CRD-1, CRD-2 CRD-3(there are 3 requirements satisfied by task MYPROJ-123).

Also linked to MYPROJ-123 with a relationship of is tested by TEST-123

TEST-123 has testcases and in the Test-Step column the first characters are the requirement number

I would like to be able to auto-create a table from these tickets that looks like this:

REQUIREMENT                                                   TEST


ID                     Jira Ticket                                    Zephyr Ticket              Test Step        Pass/Fail

CRD-1               MYPROJ-123                               TEST-123                        1                   Pass

CRD-1               MYPROJ-123                               TEST-123                        2                    Fail

CRD-2               MYPROJ-123                               TEST-123                        3                    Pass

CRD-3               MYPROJ-123                               TEST-123                        4                    Pass

Is this possible??

Btw, we are running some projects on Jira Cloud, and some on Jira Server, so would like to be able to do this in both products

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