Sub-task creation screen management

WD Balaban December 30, 2012

I believe this question to be quite generic but we are currently running V5.1.7

When one attempts to create a sub-task the relevant field configuration is prefixed at the top by a dropdown listbox where the user selects the desired sub-task issue type (the project in question has 4).

What I am looking for is some way to manage the initialization of this list. Why? Because the sub-task issue type currently on the bottom of the list is the one used over 80% of the time. The list is not in alphabetical order so I'm guessing it is creation order. FIFO of sorts.

In any case managing the presentation of the sub-task issue types in this dropdown list, i.e., decending popularity, is what I am looking for. As of yet I haven't found any relevant discussion.

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Renjith Pillai
Rising Star
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December 30, 2012

Isn't this list shown in the order in which the issue types are listed in the "Issue Type Scheme" associated with the project? I believe so. Please try changing the order in the scheme and check whether it changes the drop down order.

WD Balaban December 30, 2012

That is the GUI presentation order. Rearranging the list using drag and drop had no GUI presentation affect. I also tried removing each of the 4 sub-task issue types, saving, and adding them back to the scheme in the desired order, and obviously saving again. This also failed to have a GUI presentation affect and didn't even affect the listing order when admin viewing "Issue Type Scheme". Kinda sorta looks like a bug.

Renjith Pillai
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 31, 2012

It is getting rendered in the same order as I set in the Issue Type Scheme. Can you add a screenshot of the issue that you are facing? I am starting to doubt that we two are talking about two different problems.

WD Balaban January 1, 2013

I was just doing the screen captures to share here and I now see the desired presentation order. System latency? A few days has expired since I saw different behavior.

The listing of the Issue Types in the Issue Type Scheme is still wrong unless editing the scheme, but now that I know about that fubar I can live with it. Attached reflects the fubar but the original problem is solved.

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