Structure - count number of children + subtasks that are due or past-due

Frankie Sanchez November 17, 2022


I would like to add a column that displays (next to an epic) the number of children and childrens' sub-tasks that are currently due or past due. Is this possible?

Bonus if filtering by "assigned to me" only counts due & past-due currently assigned to me.

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David Niro
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
November 18, 2022

Hello @Frankie Sanchez ,

Something like this should work:

SUM#strict{duedate < today()}

In the example I am just looking for issues where the duedate was before today.  It looks at the issues under the current and adds up the issues that meet the criteria.

You can adjust the piece inside {} to meet the criteria you are looking for.  


Frankie Sanchez November 18, 2022

Thank you @David Niro

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