Strange Query: Checking Stories sub-tasks without extender

Ian Porter January 27, 2022

Hey everyone, need some help again.

If i had a structure showing only features and didn't want to use the extend function as it would slow the structure down and show too much information but wanted to do some checks on the lower hierarchy i know i can use epicstories.FILTER etc

Now lets say i have this set up

Feature > Story > Sub-Task

i want a structure at feature level but i want to check a Sub Task of a story, i have tried the following

Epicstories.FILTER($.issuetype = "story" and query = 1).key

where query is a Query Match of the following;

issueFunction in parentsOf ("issuetype = Sub-Task and component = COMP1")

So the key showed should be those of any story where is has a subtask with a component of COMP1

This doesnt seem to be working, and i am not sure if its possible? is there a work around without having to use extenders?

Love a head scratcher 

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Yulia Barbash _ALM Works_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
January 27, 2022

Hello  @Ian Porter

Yulia from ALM Works here!

I have tested the last formula you have provided on Structure v.7.4,  and it works! Well done!!

So I have a few questions for you:

1. Which version of Structure are you currently using? 

  • We have added a lot of additional Formula functionality starting with version 7.0. The ability to reference issues that are not part of the structure in a formula is one of them.

2. What issue link type do you use to link features to the story?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards
Yulia Barbash

Ian Porter January 28, 2022


We are using v7.2.0 and the formula is not working, is this the reason?

Ian Porter January 28, 2022

Also our stories are Issues in Epics so parent child link

Ian Porter January 28, 2022

also which code did you get to work, i have had some success with my first one but it was pulling back all stories and not doing the second filter

Ian Porter January 28, 2022

Thanks Yulia, with a little working out we know have this working and for anyone else, our final code is;


with SubTaskExist = 
epicstories.FILTER($.issuetype = "story"
$.subtasks.FILTER($.components = "COMP1"))

with gstat =
epicstories.FILTER($.labels = "COMP1"
$.issuetype = "Task").key:

with TaskExist = if(epicstories.FILTER($.labels = "COMP1"
$.issuetype = "Task"
($.status = "Done" or $.status = "Ready To Accept" ))

WITH addBackground(value, color) = """{panel:bgColor=$color|borderWidth=0px}$value{panel}""":

If(Issuetype = "feature";
if( TaskExist = "Good";
"{color:green} *Pass* {color}";
if( TaskExist != "Good";
If( gstat = undefined and SubTaskExist= undefined;
"{color:gray} _No Task_ {color}";
If( gstat = undefined and SubTaskExist != undefined;
addBackground("Missing", "#FF4C33");
addBackground(gstat, "#FF4C33") )))))
Yulia Barbash _ALM Works_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
January 28, 2022

Hello @Ian Porter

That is an amazing job!

Thank you for sharing it.

In case you have any questions, you are also always welcome to reach us directly by emailing

Best regards
Yulia Barbash

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Ian Porter January 27, 2022

i maybe getting closer using this, but not quite got the code right;

epicstories.FILTER($.issuetype = "story" and $.subtasks.FILTER($.components = "COMP1")).key

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