Stop Events showing as Milestones...?

Niall Poole July 26, 2022


We're using the Stiltsoft Chart from Table plug-in - in particular the Gantt chart.

I have an issue where some single date items sometimes appear as an event (a star) and sometimes as a milestone (vertical line).

The data is in a mixed table of items; some with a start and end date (showing as bars) and some with just a single date.

Where there's a mix of these for a single project the single dates show as stars

Where there's only one item for a project and it has a single date it shows as a vertical line

This causes problems when you start filtering the table by date (if you filter out all the items with start and end dates for a project then suddenly your stars turn into lines)

Is there anyway to force it one way or the other (I really want the stars) - so I don't get this inconsistency when the date filter changes?

1 answer

3 votes
Alexey Mikhaylov _Stiltsoft_ August 4, 2022

Hello Niall,

Thanks for using our Table Filter and Charts for Confluence app!

For the Gannt Chart to work as expected you need to have separate tables for:

  • phases/tasks (with start and end dates) - you should have this table in any case
  • milestones (with single dates, they should relate to a project) - you should have this table if you want to show milestones (as stars)
  • events (with single dates) - you should have this table if you want to show events (as vertical lines)

This is an example of the tables configuration where the Gannt Chart will have both milestones and events:

image2021-4-7_15-28-27 (1).png

You can have a look at our article for further information being a great addition to our documentation.

Best regards,


Niall Poole August 30, 2022

Thanks @Alexey Mikhaylov _Stiltsoft_ - Hopefully my SQL skills are up to separating the data out :) I'll put some feedback here when I'm done...


Niall Poole September 1, 2022

Hi @Alexey Mikhaylov _Stiltsoft_ 

I gave this a go, but when using a filter for the dates if no phases show in the display the milestones become events.

I think I'm going to see if I can spoof a phase using a table transformation so there's always one today (you nearly always want today in the display).


Alexey Mikhaylov _Stiltsoft_ September 2, 2022

Hi @Niall Poole

I could reproduce this behavior only when excluding columns from the Labels column in the Chart configuration. But it looks like an expected behavior in this case.

We'll need to recreate exactly your page and look into the issue closely. You can raise a support ticket with us. Attach the page storage format of the page with your tables and Gantt chart configuration and please specify which version of Confluence and our app you use. 



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