Setting a Parent field as Mandatory based on Sub-task's partial Summary

Boriz Agustin May 4, 2022



Looking for some guidance on how to do this. I need to set a field on the parent ticket as mandatory if a sub-task is created with a partial name (E.G. Pricing Sign Off). Is this possible? As of the moment, the sub-task is being created as "Pricing Sign Off - <*Client Name*>".

I used the Required Field Validator and tried the following conditions but they always return as false regardless if the Summary of the sub-task contains "Pricing Sign Off" or not:
issue.getLinkedIssues().any{it.summary == "Pricing Sign Off"}
issue.get.any{it.summary == "Pricing Sign Off"}
issue.summary.toLowerCase().contains("Pricing Sign Off")


Please help, thank you!

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