Set endDate in DateTime Interval

October 17, 2023

Hi there


I thought this is easy :) I have a form with these fields


lengthDays --> Numeric 

durationDate --> DateTime Interval 

a rule to perform the following



however for some reason the endDate of durationDate doesn't get populated, not sure why. I am sure its something silly, it works if I change the duration date into 2 fields ( start and end date) 


am I loosing it :) please help, thanks 


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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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October 17, 2023

Hi @Markisio 

This is one field with start and end dates and expects the value format as this: startDateTimestamp-endDateTimestamp, so you do this as follows

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 09.36.11.png



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