Hello there,
there is a screening ongoing for an application to introduce a draft/review/release process for content in Confluence. Currently, it looks like that the favourite is Scroll Versions but some of us are not fully convinced that it can fulfil our requirements.
We went through the documentation but still have difficulties to understand if our scenario can be feasible by it. We are aware of the following Scroll Version Documentation entries:
but we have a frequent meeting with one of our key suppliers. For those purposes, we have a collaborative space in Confluence wherein we create and intend to archive our MoMs in the future.
We would like to achieve, that during the creation of the MoM, it is only accessible to the smallest group (the attendees). During the review process, it shall be editable by some more people (e.g. those who got a task assigned to). After it was published it shall be accessible to anyone who has access to this space but in read-only.
According to the above-referenced articles, our scenario must be somehow feasible but we miss some clear illustrations (pictures or may even videos) showing the setup process and giving us an impression how the space looks like during the process depending on the user's role. All that I can say that we would follow the Public Master Space approach
Moreover, there should be an option to easily access previously published version of an MoM (page) but as the version counter reflects the entire space an addition button/function would be necessary. Could that be done by Page Properties Macro?
Thanks a lot