Necroposting is a name for "raising threads from the dead,” aka posting on threads that are six months old or more. Our current guidelines say that necroposting is never allowed.
However, we understand that users still land on old questions that in some cases may be out of date. Partners and Community Leaders may want to update these posts with more useful, current information.
We will be piloting a new approach to necroposting. If this pilot goes smoothly, we will update our necroposting guidelines.
Proposed new guidelines:
In general, avoid posting on old threads (six months or more old), aka necroposting. However, you may post on old threads in certain cases. The rules are:
Your post must add value to the thread
Your post must be specific to the user you are responding to (no cutting and pasting content in multiple threads)
Think from the user’s perspective, and give a complete answer to the problem stated instead of only advertising one app or solution. In other words, make sure you discuss alternative solution paths.
Include a marketplace search link rather than a link to a direct app as shown below.
Note: This example shows best practices for answering any question, not just old ones!
I want to collaborate between two Jira projects which are in different Jira instances. How can I accomplish that?
Unsuitable answer:
Here’s our issue sync app, Everything But the Kitchen Sync, which solves your problems. You’re welcome!
Suitable answer:
Hi! There are various ways to do that:
Application links: <Describe this in more detail>
Issue Sync Apps: <Don’t only link to your app, but rather to the correct search terms in the Marketplace, like>
Jira Automation: <Provide steps how to do that with Automation>
(Note that I work for Punderful Products, which makes Everything But the Kitchen Sync.)
If you have any questions about these guidelines, want to double check a post, or want to link to more examples of "necroposting done right, the comments are open.
Thank you to @Matthias Gaiser _K15t_, Marketplace Partner representative on the Community Advisory Board, for raising this issue and helping develop these guidelines.
Monique vdB
Atlassian Community Manager
San Francisco Bay Area
75 accepted answers