QC Read and Understood - What is the pending status?

Edd Tillen September 27, 2022

I've set up the QC - Read and Understood macro in my Confluence space.

The support documentation shows a Pending status, which I guess indicates a page exists that hasn't been approved / read and understood yet, like if a new page is created.

But all I've got a is a small list of the pages I have already marked as Approved. These show with a green Approved status. If I make changes, this changes to an orange Approve Old Version status.

I've never seen a Pending status yet, and I can't work out, in what circumstances, it would appear.

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Andy Gladstone
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October 1, 2022

@Edd Tillen sorry for the late reply. This QC - Read and Understood macro is a Marketplace App, so I am moving this question to the Marketplace Apps collection to provide you with the support you require.

Best of luck.

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