Proforma date format not consistent with attached PDF

Ariana DeJesus
February 16, 2022

Using English (US) language format the date field displays as mm/dd/yyyy, but after submitting the form, the attached PDF switches it to European format and I haven't found a way to fix this.

Please help as we mostly reference the PDF form and it can get confusing, for example, 02/03/2022 - is that Feb 3rd or March 2nd? 

The portal form (correct format):

Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 5.19.52 PM.png

Viewing the form on the agent portal (correct):

Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 5.20.34 PM.png

And then this is how it looks on the PDF (backwards):

Screen Shot 2022-02-16 at 5.22.41 PM.png

1 answer

1 vote
Gabrielle Walden-Alves
June 2, 2022

Any follow up to this?

Along with the fact that every attached PDF shows it was submitted using the UTC time zone,

I am also experiencing the same issue mentioned. My global settings Look and Feel are configured to display as shown in the table below.

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