Manually Triggered Automation Rule with a Screen Prompt

Michael LoCicero December 4, 2020


Here's my use-case:

We use Jira tickets to document processes, where each sub-task is a step in our process. This is helpful because we can delegate certain sub-tasks of the process to different team members, and they can be worked in parallel, while the project manager is assigned the parent ticket. 

Currently, we use ScriptRunner which executes on a special 'clone-template' transition, which then displays a Screen with label inputs(Customer Name, Data Type, etc.). We refer to those inputs in ScriptRunner, and use them when creating the parent template ticket. For example, we update the summary of the cloned parent ticket to include the Customer Name and Data Type. 

Is it possible to do something like this with Jira's native automation rules? We'd like to stop using ScriptRunner for automation and migrate to completely using the native automation rules, especially because they are now supported on Software and Busines sProjects. Is there a feature for manually triggered automation rules where you can prompt(or display a screen) the user with a form to fill out(e.g. Customer Name, Data Type, etc.), and then refer to those inputs in the automation rule?

Is there a different way to accomplish what I'm looking for that I haven't thought of?

Thanks everyone,



3 answers

1 vote
January 6, 2024

Input required to complete this automation prompt screen great solution.

Unfortunately DATE Type field still missing.

We absolutely need it to even consider implementing this in our workflow.

1 vote
Charlie Gavey
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 21, 2023

Hi @Michael LoCicero @Fabian Lim 

Just a quick note to say that we’ve now released support for manually triggered automation rules that can request user input when the rule is run - you can read more about this here:

If you have any feedback on this feature, the Automation team would love to hear from you - feel free to book in time to chat here:

Fabian Lim
Community Leader
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May 22, 2023

@Charlie Gavey 

This is great! 

Thanks for sharing.

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Benjamin Peikes
Rising Star
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May 30, 2023

@Charlie Gavey - This new feature, requesting inputs during manual automation events is a HUGE improvement. It's going to improve our workflow immensely. The only issue is, WE HAD NO IDEA THAT IT WAS IMPLEMENTED.

One of the biggest bits of feedback on this is that Atlassian needs a single stream for new feature announcements, that users can subscribe to. Ideally, there would also be an option to receive a consolidated monthly email with the topics you subscribe to. 

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Fabian Lim
Community Leader
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January 24, 2022

Hi @Michael LoCicero

You could accomplish this by creating a transition that calls itself and then assign a transition screen to it.  By doing this, it will work like button which pops up a screen and then triggers automations.

Once you have the transition and transition screen, create a rule via jira automation using the "issue transition" trigger and add all the other actions you need to complete.


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