Jira connect to Gitlab got error "The redirect URI included is not valid."

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August 15, 2023

I followed the introduction of the self-managed gitlab connect with jira, but I still got the error "The redirect URI included is not valid.".


I don't know how to fix it.

5 answers

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frederik_batsleer December 6, 2023


Not sure if this is still an issue for some people but I got it working after reaching out to support. 

I think we all understood the documentation wrong... Even when you have a self-managed Gitlab instance your Redirect URI should look like this(screenshot): 

My mistake was that I replaced gitlab.com with our self managed Gitlab URL.

You should also fill in the https://gitlab.com as Jira Connect Proxy URL. (screenshot)

Only in your Jira App, you have to fill in the Self managed Gitlab URL to connect and authorize. 

Hope this helps someone!


Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 15.48.06.png

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 15.50.45.png

Lukasz Korbasiewicz
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December 6, 2023

Thanks for posting that Frederik! :)

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Julian Jarecki December 12, 2023

Where should the redirect URL even be entered?
Is there any place where I have to configure/enter 'https://gitlab.com/-/jira_connect/oauth_callbacks'?

Julian Jarecki December 12, 2023

Ah, I found it - the callback url is of course in the OAuth token within the gitlab instance.

Thanks, that solved the issue.

Andrian Untila December 13, 2023

Thanks for Posting the Solution, Frederik @frederik_batsleer . This helps.

Daniel Holstein
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March 6, 2024

Does this mean we need to allow gitlab.com IP-Ranges even tho we install the integration via the app-descriptor from our self hosted instance?

I hoped that it would be enough to just allow Atlassian-IP ranges for our GitLab Instance

Tilo Baller September 19, 2024

Thank you so much @frederik_batsleer
That was the missing link to success :) 

4 votes
Andrian Untila September 8, 2023

I have same issue. I have found that this problem relates to the URL in PopUp Fenster. There is the Link to gitlab.com and not to self managed URL. When edit this it works, but Jira wont recognize this Login :(


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Rashad Aghayev
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September 8, 2023

I have same issue. Could you solve it?

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frederik_batsleer December 6, 2023

Hi, did anyone get this working? 

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Federico Selatti
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October 22, 2023

Same error here.
Self managaged gitlab instance.
All ok till the 'Sign in to <instance_url>' button action

Julian Jarecki December 12, 2023

same issue.

Can Ameti
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April 30, 2024

If the error is "An error has occurred. The redirect URI included is not valid." you need to change the Callback URL in your self-managed gitlab instance to "https://gitlab.com/-/jira_connect/oauth_callbacks".

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