Jira Cloud for Slack - Invalid Input Error

James Awuah December 12, 2022

Steps leading to error

  1. Access the "Create issue from Jira Cloud" shortcut
  2. Select the correct project type and fill out the required fields with the correct input type
  3. Click Submit

image (8).png

Just implemented this app for the first time the other day

I was receiving this error at first and could not resolve it, but when I logged on to my laptop the next day, the issue went away. I didn't change anything. I introduced this app to my team members and they are now getting this error and I don't know how I got it to go away.

Troubleshooting steps taken that didn't work

  • Quitting and reopening Slack
  • Went into Slack integration tab in Jira and see if any settings can be changed

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Stephen Musgrave December 15, 2022

I am also having this issue. Its intermittent. So far I have not been able to isolate why.... but I suspect it might be one of the fields on the form.

James Awuah December 15, 2022

We figured it out. It was the some of the characters in the message we were trying to make a ticket out of.

Example one that doesn't work:

Detail: {'contact_info':{'email':['Enter a valid email address.']}}

The curly brackets "}" were causing the issue "INVALID_INPUT". Those characters must be causing an extraction error on the apps side. Getting rid of them resolved it. 

Stephen Musgrave December 15, 2022

Ahhhhh... thank you for that! I suspect that was our issue as well, I was trying to create a ticket out of a logging message.

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