Is there a way to disable or hide "+Create Salesforce Object" in JIRA

Jayneal Borromeo June 9, 2023

Directly from a JIRA ticket there is a feature / button where a user is able to create a Salesforce case. Is there a way to disable or hide this button so that users are unable to use it.  


Able to create Salesforce Case from JIRA.jpg

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Dave Mathijs
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June 9, 2023

@Jayneal Borromeo That depends whether this third-party app allows to filter permissions based on groups. What is the name of the app that is being used?

Jayneal Borromeo June 9, 2023

Hi @Dave Mathijs , the third party app installed in JIRA is Service Rocket.

JIRA and salesforce is integrated via service rocket connector,  "Create Salesforce Object" available on the UI to create a salesforce case off of JIRA ticket, we would want to hide/disable this button from JIRA to prevent users from creating salesforce record through this button.

Thanks so much

Dave Mathijs
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June 12, 2023

I can't seem to find any settings related to the restriction of the permissions. Please submit a support request directly with the vendor via the following link:

Jayneal Borromeo June 12, 2023

Thanks, submitted a support request with the vendor

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SitiHajar_Appfire June 22, 2023

Hi Jayneal, 

Hajar here from the support team. Currently there is no built-in feature that allows you to disable the "Create Salesforce Object" button in Jira. Please find the following feature request to support your use-case:

However, there are a few options you can consider:

1. Disable the button at the Salesforce end: You can disable the button entirely for all users by making changes in Salesforce. However, please note that this will also disable the button in Jira.

2. Remove Edit Issues permission in Jira: Another option is to remove the "Edit Issues" permission for the user in Jira. This will effectively disable the Create/Associate buttons. However, keep in mind that this will disable editing entirely for the Jira issue.

Additionally, for a separate use-case where a Salesforce record is created from Jira, an administrator can configure specific Association Configurations such as "View Only," "Auto Push/Pull," or "Manual Push/Pull" using Default Presets. This will restrict normal users from changing the synchronization type. 

Hope this helps!

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