My team would like to have a dashboard that we can check which User Stories (USs) have Zephyr Test Cases and Test Cycles created or not, so we can control the test creation and make sure to not skip any.
Nowadays we do this in the following way:
- Create a filter
- In the menu on the left, choose Zephyr Scale option, then Reports tab > Traceability > Traceability Report
- Fulfill the filter information and then click Generate, it will generate a pdf file as a report
- The pdf file shows like this:
We would like to have such kind of information directly in JIRA, like in a dashboard. In this way I presented above, we need to do many steps and in the end check a pdf report, it would be better by checking at JIRA.
Is it a way to present these informations of USs, Test Cases and Tests Cycles created (and executed, if possible)?
Thanks a lot in advance!