Import xray ManualTestSteps using scriptRunner

Viktor Fedun August 8, 2023

Hi, I moved from one jira instance to another using backup and that works file except of xray
all ManualTestSteps fields are empty on a new instance
instance is running and ahed and I'm not sure is it possible to use xporter in such cases...
Using scriptRunner I wrote export script that creates json file with a such structure

    "steps": [
        "attachments": [
            "fileSize""56 kB",
            "fileIconAlt""PNG File",
            "fileName""Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 16.43.16.png",
        "fields": {
          "Action""1. SSS",
          "Expected Result""SSS"
        "attachments": [],
        "fields": {
          "Expected Result""YYY"
I tried to import like
 customField.updateValue(null, issue, new ModifiedValue(issue.getCustomFieldValue(customField), exportedFieldValue['steps']),changeHolder)```
but class java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to class com.xpandit.raven.customfield.ManualTestStepsCustomField$TestStepSingleTransport
what ways should I use?

there is over 1000+ issueses, manual fix for every issue is not an option
do we have any api for scriptRunner or for post at least?

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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August 14, 2023

Hi @Viktor Fedun

Could you please share the full code that you are using so I can review it and provide some feedback.

Thank you and Kind regards,

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