How to update multiple user's username value and properties such as email address using scriptrunner

Ronny March 25, 2019

Hi all,

I have found the below 2 url which explained on how to update Jira user's username in bulk.

However I need additional help on how to set scriptrunner so it will read the a csv file so it can set the "new_username" based on the existing "old_username" which already set in Jira.

The csv file will have content like :


oldUserName1  newUserName1

oldUserName2  newUserName2



2 answers

1 vote
May 15, 2021

This is an old question, but in case anyone comes upon it as I did earlier, here is an answer (which relies heavily on can i update user email using script? ).

I needed to update the email value and then the username (we use email address for username).

Not pretty, but it works.

import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser
import com.atlassian.jira.bc.user.ApplicationUserBuilderImpl
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.util.AttachmentUtils
//import com.atlassian.jira.util.PathUtils
import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.apache.log4j.Logger

def myCSV = 'userRenames.csv' // MUST BE A TEXT FILE
def issue = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueObject("SSNCATLAS-1656") // Key for attachment issue
def aM= ComponentAccessor.getAttachmentManager()
def uM = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager()
def attachments = aM.getAttachments(issue)

attachments.each{ a ->
def fileName = a.filename
log.warn fileName + ' is the user source'
// This method to get the file path is deprecated, but it works
def filePath = AttachmentUtils.getAttachmentFile(a)
// Concatenation only works for projects which have never edited their project key
// Anyone know a way to get the original project key?
// def pathManager = ComponentAccessor.getAttachmentPathManager()
// def filePath = PathUtils.joinPaths(pathManager.attachmentPath, issue.projectObject.key, '10000', issue.key,
if (fileName.toString() == myCSV) {
File fileContents = new File(filePath.toString())
def mailChange = 0
if (fileContents) {
def lines = fileContents.readLines()
for (item in lines) {
def columns = item.split(",")
def oldMail = columns[0]
def newMail = columns[1]
// "Old mail is " +oldMail + " and new mail is " +newMail // items before change
def user = uM?.getUserByName(oldMail) as ApplicationUser
def userCheck = uM?.getUserByName(newMail) as ApplicationUser
// Excel compatible logging: item|action|result
if ((! user) && (! userCheck)) { oldMail + "|" + "No action|User does not exist" // log when no user exists
if ((userCheck) && (! user)) { oldMail + "|" + "No action|Only new account " + newMail + " exists; nothing to do" // log when only new account exits
if ((userCheck) && (user)) { oldMail + "|" + "Duplicate|Migration required for " + newMail // log when two accounts are present
if ((user) && (! userCheck)) {
// def check = uM.canRenameUser(user) // Boolean in case perms or directory type is in question
// "Check was " +check
def nMail = new ApplicationUserBuilderImpl(user).emailAddress(newMail.toLowerCase()).build()
mailChange = 1 oldMail + "|" + "Action|User was uptated to " + newMail // log when user is updated
if (mailChange == 1) {
// Yes, you have to re-declare the user to perform a second update
def lines = fileContents.readLines()
for (item in lines) {
def columns = item.split(",")
def oldMail = columns[0]
def newMail = columns[1]
def user = uM?.getUserByName(oldMail) as ApplicationUser
def userCheck = uM?.getUserByName(newMail) as ApplicationUser
if ((user) && (! userCheck)) {
def nName = new ApplicationUserBuilderImpl(user).name(newMail.toLowerCase()).build()
uM.updateUser(nName) oldMail + "|Action|User email was updated to " + newMail
Nicolás Figueroa
June 26, 2021

I use your script to only update User Emails and it works great.


0 votes
mete February 14, 2023

update user mail with script groovy:


import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.bc.user.ApplicationUserBuilderImpl
import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser

def um = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager()

//edit jira_username
def user = um.getUserByName('jira_username') as ApplicationUser 
def newData = new

//edit newemailaddress


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