How do I leverage a variable when creating a scheduled issue?

Jamis A_ Mack August 17, 2023

I'd like to set up a way of creating a set of Stories linked to an epic on a weekly basis.

The summaries of the stories would all have the same name except for the date the story is created.

i.e., the schedule is every seven days. The action is is to create StoryA, SoryB, and StoryC every week.

Week one

  • StoryA 2023-08-15
  • StoryB 2023-08-15
  • StoryC 2023-08-15

Week two

  • StoryA 2023-08-22
  • StoryB 2023-08-22
  • StoryC 2023-08-22

...and so on.

Can this be done using Jira Automation?

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Kseniia Trushnikova
Community Leader
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August 17, 2023

Hi @Jamis A_ Mack,

Sure. You can set schedule on which a rule will create new issues. Use the trigger Scheduled for this.

Here's the example:

Rule Example.png

Jamis A_ Mack August 21, 2023

Hi--the missing part is getting the date as a variable into the new issues created. As I mentioned in the question

"The summaries of the stories would all have the same name except for the date the story is created."

How do I create "StoryA 2023-08-15" the 1st run, "StoryA 2023-08-22" the 2nd run, and so on...? I imagine I will need to leverage a variable--this is what I need help with.

Kseniia Trushnikova
Community Leader
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August 21, 2023

@Jamis A_ Mack, you can add the smart value {{now.jiraDate}} into Summary. Like this:


{{now.jiraDate}} returns the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. So the rule will create an issue with Summary "StoryA 2023-08-21".

Jamis A_ Mack August 21, 2023


Thank you so much.

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