How can I copy all tests in one test cycle and paste them into another test cycle?

charles thorn March 3, 2016
  • We have many tests
  • We need to support multiple versions
  • At the end of each release, we want to copy each test in a test cycle, say from Version 15.1, into a test cycle for the current version, say 15.2. At that point we run the Tests on 15.2. BUT... the tests must all be updated to reflect the latest release. They can't be the same tests as our software has changed.
  • How can I copy all tests in a Version 15.1 test cycle and paste them into a Version 15.2 test cycle?

4 answers

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Cheney Ma [Go2Group]
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March 16, 2016

Hi Charles,

Seems synapseRT NextGen plugin fits your needs very well, have a look at:

synapseRT NextGen provides "Test Plan + Test Cycle" approach to manage your testing.
In your case, you can create a test plan with the test cases thos are going to be executed. Then create a test cycle for version 15.1 and execut them. You can either clone this test plan for version 15.2 or create a new cycle for version 15.2 inside the plan, both of them will load same set of test cases but with the latest changes of your tests.

Test Plan: Regression testing for 15.x release. (Add 100 test cases in it).
Test Cycle: Execution with 15.1; Execution with 15.2; Execution with 15.3 ...
The 100 test cases will be executed multiple times by creating multiple test cycles.

Email me at if you want to learn more about synapseRT NextGen.


0 votes
Brian Ross March 4, 2016

What we do is do a search to find all the related Test Cases, save that search.

Then to into the JIRA version, create the "new" test cycle.

Go to the Gear on the right side, select ADD TEST, when the window pops up select option VIA SEARCH FILTER and then find the save search of your Test Cases.  Click all the "Next" and "OK" buttons and in a short time later, your test cycle has all your test cases and the process is repeatable across Test Cycle versions.


Hope this helps.

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charles thorn March 3, 2016

Might be feasible. would be better to have folder structures that would allow copy/paste folder and contents. Thanks though.

Deleted user March 3, 2016

I agree, we struggled with your same problem for awhile. Sorry

Brian Ross March 4, 2016

You can make JIRA do what you outlined above, you just have to put a different perspective on the tools/options available to you.

JIRA Test Case management doesn't have "folders" but they do have "labels"

You can't copy/paste whole test case sets, but you can do Saved Search on them.

So come up with a label terminology that mimics the folder structure (i.e. TC_AppX_Login_NewUserLink).

Do a search for label "TC_AppX_Login_NewUserLink"; Save that search

Create a test cycle and add test cases via search filter.

After initial setup; quick, easy and repeatable test case grouping.


charles thorn March 4, 2016

Thanks for the reply but... what happens then, If I understand you correctly, is that you have the same tests in both test cycles. So when you edit a test in one test cycle, the same test is edited in the other test cycle. That's the same as cloning a test cycle. I need to have each test in say Version 15.1 test cycle actually copied into Version 15.2 test cycle. This allows us to update Version 15.2 tests without updating Version 15.1 tests. A folder structure would be good for this. Copy and paste folder "Version 15.1. Rename the pasted folder to 15.2. We can then edit version 15.1 and version 15.2 independently. Thanks anyway buddy.

Brian Ross March 4, 2016

My approach still holds. 

As you outlined in your 15.1 and 15.2 folders, the test cases will be different between the versions. 

So you label the tests from 15.1 that will be used in 15.2, Add the new test cases to cover your 15.2 needs (or just duplicate the ones that need to be modified and modify them), put your 15.2 label on them, do some test case grooming to make sure all other test cases that need to be in 15.2 version are labeled correctly and build a new search for version 15.2. 

Another added bonus to this approach, you will be able to tell which Test Cases were new for 15.2, since they won't have the 15.1 label on them.

Either way you look, at it; its going to be some work but you can get JIRA what you need it to do.

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Deleted user March 3, 2016

I dont know if this would help you in your case but we have automated tests that we run that basically create different versions of the same test cycle or very similar on a daily basis. The only way I found to make this task easy was using the Zephyr APIs.  

Once you have the test issue ids and other ids such as project and version ids it becomes easy to just update some json objects and call a few of the Zephyr endpoints to accomplish this.

The api docs really need some work they arent easy to use but here is the link. 
If this may work for you Id be happy to answer any questions you have or at least try smile



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