Hide CustomField type radio buttons

Kevin Bruneau March 10, 2023

Hi guys!

I need to hide a field being radio buttons type depending on the value selected from another field. The problem that I have is that I can't seem to hide the radio button field. It works with every other ones (They aren't radio buttons fields) except that one. Also, it doesn't have a 'customfield_id like the other ones. Only the options has one. I also tried using the option id's, but no result. Btw, it's a behaviour that I'm trying to add.

Here is my code :

def IT_Security_Risk_Field = getFieldById('customfield_26305') // SEMS IT Security Risk Assessment Questionnaire
def Result_IT_Security_Field = getFieldByName('customfield_25703') // Result of IT Security Questionnaire

if(IT_Security_Risk_Field.getValue() == 'Not Required'){


Here is the 'inspect' view of the field. As you can see, the options has their own customId's, but even that doesn't work. Screenshot 2023-03-10 105740.png


Thanks in advance! :)

1 answer

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
Community Leader
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March 11, 2023

Hi @Kevin Bruneau

For your requirement, you must create a Server-Side Behaviour for the  IT_Security_Risk_Field.

To ensure the Server-Side Behaviour takes effect when the value has been selected for that field, you must declare the field using:-

def sampleList = getFieldById(fieldChanged)

Below is an example of a fully working code for your reference:-

import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FieldBehaviours
import groovy.transform.BaseScript

@BaseScript FieldBehaviours behaviours
def sampleList = getFieldById(fieldChanged)
def sampleListValue = sampleList.value.toString()

def sampleRadioButton = getFieldByName('Sample Radio Button')
sampleRadioButton.hidden = false

if (sampleListValue == 'Option 1') {
sampleRadioButton.hidden = true

Please note that the sample code above is not 100% exact to your environment. Hence, you will need to make the required modifications.

Below is a screenshot of the Behaviour configuration:-


This Server-Side Behaviour above has been added for the Sample List field, and when Option 1 has been selected from the Sample List field, the Radio Buttons will be hidden. 

For all other options, the Radio Button will be visible.

Below are a couple of test screenshots for your reference:-

1. The Radio Button is hidden as expected when Option 1 is selected from the Sample List.


2. When other options, including None, are selected from the Sample List, the Radio Button is visible as shown in the screenshots below:-






I hope this helps to answer your question. :-)

Thank you and Kind regards,

Kevin Bruneau March 13, 2023

Hi Ram! :)

Thanks for the reply!

I tried that, and it doesn't work :(

It's almost as if the radio button field has no 'name'/'id' for some reason.

With every other fields it works (They have a customfield_id)

Here is what I tried : 

(The customfield_26306 is the field having the list in which we can choose 'Not Required')


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Kevin Bruneau March 13, 2023

field inspect.png

Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
Community Leader
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March 13, 2023

Hi @Kevin Bruneau ,

From the latest screenshots you have shared, it appears you are using a pretty old version of ScriptRunner.

Please upgrade to the latest release, i.e. 7.12.0 an try it once again.

Thank you and Kind regards,


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