Hello people
Could someone please advise me on this. I'm trying to write a REST endpoint with Groovy in Script Runner for Server and I'm using this link for help: https://library.adaptavist.com/entity/using-external-apis-in-sr?_ga=2.219398361.1787316567.1649252482-1069130235.1604398767
In JavaScript it's working and it looks like this:
var payload = {
"query": "mutation (\$jiraIssueId: String!, \$number: String!, \$createdBy: String!, \$jiraAttachmentInputType: [JiraAttachmentRequest]!) { moveJiraPdfAttachmentToCprSharePoint(jiraIssueId: \$jiraIssueId, number: \$number, createdBy: \$createdBy, jiraAttachmentRequestInput: \$jiraAttachmentInputType) { isSuccessful }}",
"variables": { "jiraIssueId": issueKey, "number": document.getElementById("zsrnumber").value, "createdBy": createdBy, "jiraAttachmentInputType": jiraAttachments }
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
xhttp.open("POST", "https://hiddenurl/ApiGateway/api/v1/graphql/public", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
Now I'm trying to do exactly the same, but with SR Groovy. This is my script:
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovyx.net.http.ContentType
import groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseDecorator
import groovyx.net.http.RESTClient
def issue = event.issue
def issueType = issue.getIssueType().getName()
def allAttachments = issue.getAttachments()
def currentUser = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser().getName()
def jiraAttachments = []
// If current issue is not a 'Memo', then exit the script
if (issueType != 'Memo') {
// Plattform Test
List<String> CustomFieldIDs = [
if (allAttachments) {
def number = event.issue.getCustomFieldValue(ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager().getCustomFieldObject(CustomFieldIDs[0]))
if(number == null) {
number = event.issue.getCustomFieldValue(ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager().getCustomFieldObject(CustomFieldIDs[1]))
if(number == null) {
number = ""
def count = 0;
for (item in allAttachments) {
if (item.getFilename().endsWith(".pdf")) {
jiraAttachments.push("attachmentId: " + item.getId() + ", documentType: UNCLASSIFIED, comment: Automatisch hinzugefuegtes PDF vom IssueType Memo")
def jsonBody = [:]
jsonBody.put("jiraIssueId", issue)
jsonBody.put("number", number)
jsonBody.put("createdBy", currentUser)
jsonBody.put("jiraAttachmentInputType", jiraAttachments)
final externalUrl = "https://hiddenurl"
def body = JsonOutput.toJson([data: jsonBody])
// The host URL will be the consistent prefix to every request is made. e.g.: https://<YOUR API HOST URL>/
// The endpoint will be the specific API method to hit. e.g.: /GetResults
// The query will be the variable parameter the endpoint will use to get the data. e.g.: /objectId=1
// The body is the JSON version of the data that will be sent to an API, only used for PUT and POST
def postResponse = post(externalUrl, "/ApiGateway/api/v1/graphql/public", "", body)
if(number != "" && count != 0) {
def post(def hostUrl, def endpoint, def query, def bodyJson) {
def client = new RESTClient(hostUrl)
'Accept' : ContentType.JSON
client.handler.success = { HttpResponseDecorator response, json ->
client.handler.failure = { HttpResponseDecorator response ->
// Failure can be handled here
log.error response.entity.content.text
path: endpoint,
queryString: query,
contentType: ContentType.JSON,
body: bodyJson
In the listener menu (I need to add the script to the Listeners and not to the REST Endpoints by the way) I get a failed execution in History column, but unfortunately I can't really see any error. It's just repeating this lines:
at groovy.json.DefaultJsonGenerator.writeMap(DefaultJsonGenerator.java:375)
at groovy.json.DefaultJsonGenerator.writeObject(DefaultJsonGenerator.java:237)
Could anyone help with this or tell what is wrong in my script? I think it has something to do this part:
def jsonBody = [:]
jsonBody.put("jiraIssueId", issue)
jsonBody.put("number", number)
jsonBody.put("createdBy", currentUser)
jsonBody.put("jiraAttachmentInputType", jiraAttachments)
def body = JsonOutput.toJson([data: jsonBody])
This should do the same as this in Javascript:
var payload = {
"query": "mutation (\$jiraIssueId: String!, \$number: String!, \$createdBy: String!, \$jiraAttachmentInputType: [JiraAttachmentRequest]!) { moveJiraPdfAttachmentToCprSharePoint(jiraIssueId: \$jiraIssueId, number: \$number, createdBy: \$createdBy, jiraAttachmentRequestInput: \$jiraAttachmentInputType) { isSuccessful }}",
"variables": { "jiraIssueId": issueKey, "number": document.getElementById("zsrnumber").value, "createdBy": createdBy, "jiraAttachmentInputType": jiraAttachments }
Thanks a lot if someone could give me an input on this.
Best regards
Hi @Nicole Mueller can you describe the usecase a little. On the beginning you says that you need to write the REST Endpoint in script runner (we can call it REST API side). But in your code you are trying to invoke some other endpoint "/ApiGateway/api/v1/graphql/public" (we can call it REST Client).
Because if you need REST Endpoint, you need to check following documentation:
Thank you for clarification :)
Hi @Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__
Thanks a lot for your answer! What I'm trying to do is:
Adding a Script Runner listener which runs when an issue is created and then check, if any attachment got added. Afterwards, if the attachment is a PDF file, it should send it together with some other parameters to https://hiddenurl/ApiGateway/api/v1/graphql/public"
In the JS you can see, which variables should be sent.
Is this clear enough, or should I try to explain it more clearly? I'm not really experienced in this, sorry ;) So it definitely could be, I don't need a REST Endpoint, I thought, this is what it's called. Thank you so much, if you could clarify what I actually need to look for :)
Best regards
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Hi @martin
Did you get a clearer understanding of what I am trying to do? I'm still stuck here. Mainly because I'm not sure of what I'm doing wrong. In the Script runner listener history it says "2 of 15 executions have failed, including the last one" but when I open the history I can't really see where the problem is so this is quite difficult to debug. Thank you lots for advises on this.
Best regards
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Hi @Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__
Do you have any advices on this issue? I'm still stuck. Mainly because I don't know how to best debug this or find the mistake. In the history of the Script runner listener I can see "2 of 15 executions have failed, including the last one" so I know something is wrong. But when I open the history and the log I can't see what's wrong. Can you see what's wrong here:
Or you think I need to approach another way? As I've mentioned in Javascript this was the way to do it:
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