Give first-time users a message box.

Timothy McClain
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July 6, 2022

I am trying to guide new users to the Altassian tutorials for beginners when they login for the first time. I am aware there is a plugin put out by Atlassian, however I cannot utilize it due to network limitations (it needs to reach out to external IP addresses).

I was trying to utilize Scriptrunner to this end as there is a LoginEvent for a listener to pick up. Here is the code I have, it is currently set to trigger at every logon for testing purposes.

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.event.user.LoginEvent
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.util.UserMessageUtil

def userManager = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager()
def loginManager = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(LoginManager)

def loginEvent = event as LoginEvent
def user = loginEvent.getUser()
def data = loginManager.getLoginInfo(user.getName())

def lastLogin = data.getLastLoginTime()
def loginCount = data.getLoginCount()

if(loginEvent)'Welcome to Jira!\nFor new users, we recommend you checkout this brief tutorial on Jira.')

return "Complete"
However, while the listener does pick up and run on a login, no message box is shown. Is there any documentation on UserMessageUtil for its functionality or limitations? I haven't found end.

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Bastian Stehmann
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July 6, 2022



Although I can't help with your Scriptrunner questions, maybe this app might help you. It allows you to create a pop up message that only shows once.

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