Creating Zendesk tags from JIRA ticket's update

Antoine Baudoin July 11, 2022


I'm trying to generate a tag from a custom field we created in JIRA.

Basically our Support team can create a JIRA ticket for Product from a Zendesk ticket (thanks to the JIRA application). We have created a custom field called "team" where we precise which Product team should handle this ticket (Team A, Team B,...).

We would like this information to come back as a tag in the Zendesk ticket when the JIRA ticket has the status "Resolved". 

Do you know how to do this please? 

Thanks in advance

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July 16, 2022

@Antoine Baudoin hi there. Did you resolve it? Custom fields are sometimes a bit difficult to work with. I have no idea if you use a tool to establish the integration, but i'd suggest checking out ZigiOps. It's a no-code integration platform, that can be customized to fit any use case. It reads the schema dynamically, can transfer any field (default or custom), and can specifically help you with the creation of Zendesk tags from the resolved Jira ticket. Get a look at it and if you want to see it in action (how it handles your use case) you can book a demo.

Regards, Diana (ZigiWave)

Antoine Baudoin July 18, 2022

Thank you, but I'm looking for a solution for free

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