Copy the cascade select field values to another select field in the same issue

vikranthcms October 16, 2021

I want to copy the cascading field value to the select filed value in Jira server/Datacenter

Example: I have a cascading field   "cascade" with Parent values as a,b,c and child values as 1,2,3

and Select field  as "Select"

If I select the parent in cascade the value as "a" it should copy the value to the Select field as "a"

If I select the Parent and child in the cascade as b and 1 respectively then it should copy value as "b-1" in the select field.

This should happen when I create the ticket in Jira by selecting the cascade values then it should automatically set the value in the select field when the ticket is created.


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John Funk
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October 17, 2021

Hi @vikranthcms 

You should be able to do this with the add-on Automation For Jira. There is a free Lite version and a paid Pro version. 

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