Copy Fields Details from one issue task to another one with Automation

Bára Hlynsdóttir August 15, 2022


I have several Projects each representing a customer.  Each Customer has specific information that I would want to be included into all task created under each Projects. Currently I´m copy pasting those info from one task to another, since so far automation has failed.

I´m struggling to see how I can use automation with several projects, in order to create a rule that will include general information such as Customer type, contact phone etc between issues in each project.

Any suggestions?

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John Funk
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August 15, 2022

Hi Bára,

Can you be a little more specific as to exactly what you are trying to do? Or share the rule that is not working? 

Also, what type of project are you using? Team-managed? Company-managed? Jira Work Management? 

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