Connect external database jira plugin

leandro siciliano June 28, 2017

Hello guys,

I have a big problem.

I'm using Active Objects in my application. With Active Objects I'm using jira database. I don't have problem with AO, It's working well.

But in my jira I need to get informations from another database (Oracle).

I put in my pom.xml:


When I put this, my plugin stop to work and I have this error:

Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle (CLASS_PLUGIN) [185]: Unable to resolve 185.0: missing requirement [185.0] osgi.wiring.package; (

When I change to:


I don't have any error but when I run my code:


I have:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver not found by ... [166]

What can I do to fix this problem ?


4 answers

0 votes
Ignat May 24, 2022


means that application will have (what's not the case in our situation, obviously) this package already at the time your plugin will start to be deployed -  "these classes will be provided at runtime by the product".

To use third-party code in your plugin you should use <scope>compile</scope>

0 votes
Eugene Ts December 24, 2019

Still the same issue. Trying for jira server 8.5.1 with

0 votes
Simon Huang October 27, 2017

@leandro siciliano

Hey Leandro, 

I am experiencing issues as you. Did you manager to find a solution?

0 votes
Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 18, 2017

Natively JIRA supports connections to Oracle databases (for storing JIRA data).  However with JIRA 7, it only supports Oracle 12c.  As such our installation packages are actually shipping an existing jdbc driver.   I think this file is in the install folder/lib and tends to be named ojdbc7.jar or something alike.  I think you might still be able to use this 12 driver for connecting to an 11 database, but I'm not sure.   

I did notice that in the JIRA dbconfig.xml if you configure JIRA to use Oracle as the database that stores JIRA data, the format of the dbconfig lists the driver-class value as "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver".   But I see in your code it is listed as "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver".   Try changing the class name to match my example and see if that works.

leandro siciliano July 19, 2017

do you have exactly dependency in your pom where could send me ?

Ignat May 24, 2022


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