Clone Ticket and Epic Daily and Monthly respectively

Arundev N B September 17, 2021


My requirement : Every weekeday a ticket and its sub tasks must be cloned under same epic (which I was able to do now). But when month chnages, new epic should create and start cloning tickets under new epic. Thus I need monthly Epic creation and same ticket & sub-Tasks to be cloned everyday by making sure it goes to new epic starting from new month until end of that month and again a new epic for next month an dthe process continues... 


More over old EPic should be closed while creating new epic. 


Epic name example : DRT : Sep-2021

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John Funk
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September 17, 2021

Hi Arundev,

You should be able to do all of that with Automation rules. You can create an initial rule with a Scheduled trigger that can fire once a day and create your Epic. 

Then you can have a separate rule that creates the tasks and sub-tasks based on an Epic being created. 

Arundev N B September 19, 2021

Thx John

I am not able to form a  logic to validate whether it is new month start and if YES then only create a new epic(as epic is monthly one) . Any jquery pattern which could help me in that ? somthing like {{now.format("MM-yyyy")}} doesn't contain  {{issue.summary}}  but something better ?

My logic is 
   1) Schedule the job run every day
   2) If new month start, then create new epic with summary "DRT : MM-yyyy"
   3) If old month itself, select existing epic
   4) clone last task in that epic and its sub tasks too / clone last task in previous month epic and clone that and sub task to newly created epic. 

John Funk
Community Leader
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September 21, 2021

Hey @Bill Sheboy  - Any thoughts on how to identify if the issue creation is in a new month? 

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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September 21, 2021

Hi @Arundev N B and @John Funk 

To determine if it is the first day of the month, I believe there are several possible solutions...including you could do an advanced compare condition with some date adjustments.  For example:

  • first value: {{now.jiraDate}}
  • condition: equals
  • second value: {{now.startOfMonth.jiraDate}}

You may need to adjust your rule logic to use if/else structure to get the usage of the different epics correct.

Kind regards,

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Arundev N B September 22, 2021

let me try that

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