Can a notification not be sent from a groovy post function that adds links?

arama mihai
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January 25, 2022

Hello, we have a post function (groovy script, by scriptrunner), that creates sub-tasks for a parent. In the same post function, after their creation we add links to these sub-tasks.

We use the: "ComponentAccessor.getIssueLinkManager().createIssueLink" to achieve this.

The issues get created, and for the "issue created" event, we do not have any recipients in the notification scheme.

For the "Issue updated" event, we do have "Watchers" and "Reporter" listed. 

We would want the notifications for the links that are added through the script to NOT be sent. But it seems that since they get added after the sub-tasks are created, they are considered updates, and they do.

Is there any change to the script that we could do so that it does not trigger these notifications?


Thank you!

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