Calculation error with automation and custom fields

Juan Jimenez July 20, 2022


My problem is a bit complicated to explain and my englishlevel does'nt help.
So sorry for the disorder :/

First a little explanation of how we work:
We are BI developpers so our taks are mostely loading process ans databases creation.
We use Epics for scoped part of our dataWarehouse.
Tasks for little things that takes an hour or so to complete.
Stories for entities and subtasks for tables load process.

So now the problem:
I created a custome field named "sid 2.0 Sprint Story Points" and whant to add to thisone the variation of story points of the subtasks.

{{To}} = {{fieldChange.toString|0}}
{{From}} = {{fieldChange.fromString|0}}
{{Variation}} = {{#=}}-{{From}}+{{To}}{{/}}
{{SID 2.0 : Sprint Story Points}} = {{#=}}{{SID 2.0 : Sprint Story Points|0}}+{{Variation}}{{/}}


For exemple if i go from 10 to 8 the log said "Modification de 10 à 8 pour une variation de -2" wich is right.
In the ticket modification I have this value :
{{#=}}{{SID 2.0 : Sprint Story Points|0}}+{{Variation}}{{/}}

And instead of adding the variation value tu the current value of the parent, it set the value to {{Variation}}.
Let say in this example I have au value of 20 for "SID 2.0 : Sprint Story Points" in the parent ans modify a subtask from 10 to 8 the parent is set to -2 instead of 18.

What is strange is that the exact same code works perfectely with "Story Points" field.

I hope you anderstand and can help me.

Best regards


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John Funk
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July 25, 2022

Hi Juan,

It's probably the : in the field name that is causing the problem. You could try putting quote marks around the entire field name, but not sure if that will work or not. I would try that first since it is the easiest thing to do. 

If it doesn't work, then replace the field name with the custom field Id. So it would look like this:


Juan Jimenez July 29, 2022

Sorry for the delay, I did not received any notification.

With the double quotes it works perfectely.

Thank You.

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