Best practice to save images used by the scripted custom field

Anche August 10, 2017

Hi all,

I have a custom scripted field (created using ScriptRunner plugin)., which shows an image based on the user selection for other two custom fields. 

Currently, I have saved those images as attachments to a Jira, and I'm accessing it in my script with URL (e.g. yellowurl = "https://xyz/secure/attachment/18002/amber_light.png").

Is there a better way to save this image in the Jira, other than attaching to an existing Jira item?





1 answer

1 vote
Anche August 23, 2017

Can anyone suggest a better way to save the custom images in Jira?

Matt Doar
Community Leader
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August 17, 2022

I did it in a v2 plugin where the image file is a resource. More trouble to maintain than accessing the image as an attachment

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