Hello, everyone.
I'm new to scriptrunner and I have to develop a project in jira at work.
I have an issuetype in which I have a date field. I have to restrict the choosable date based on a the following idea.
In my work, we have an idea that one cycle starts on 21/XX/YYYY and ends on 20/(XX+1)/YYYY.
For example, the day 23/02/2021: it is in the cycle 21/02/2021-20/03/2021.
For my restriction, I have to verify in which cycle I am today: for example, 05/05/2023 give my [21/04/2023 - 20/05/2023].
Then, the choosable dates should be anydate from 21/04/2023 to the future.
So, for today, the possible days should be 21/04/2023 to future.
Is it possible to do something like that at scriptrunner?