Bandana Keys persist plugin update, but values don't

Alexander Sopov April 6, 2017


I'm writing a plugin that uses BandanaManager to save things to the database. There are two macros that does this and there's something mysterious going on with one of the macros.

Both macros are persisting data using the key/value storage method and they both work fine. But when the plugin is updated with a new version, the keywords have survived, but their corresponding values are all null for one of the macro, while they're persisted perfectly for the other.

This is bugging me a lot. Here's what I've tried:

1) I tried looking for any difference in the way the two macros are set up to see if one is set up to persist throughout updates while the other is not. I can find no difference

2) I've read about Bandana in the atlassian documentation to see if there is some configuration that would determine the values to persist throughout updates or be purged. I am unable to find any such thing.


Any help would be greatly recieved. Thanks a million!

2 answers

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Thomas Schlegel
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April 6, 2017

Hi Alexander,

there's another community for developer's issues:

Maybe you get an answer there sooner

0 votes
Matthias Cullmann June 27, 2022

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