Automation rule where acteur is current assignee

MHassan January 18, 2023

Hello guys,
I've created an auomation rule where a ticket will change the status if it hasn't been updated for x days.

Unfortunately, when the automation runs it changes the assigne to me, since I am the acteur of the automation.

Is there a way that the current assignee stays if the automation takes place?

Best regards

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John Funk
Community Leader
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January 18, 2023

Hi @MHassan  - can you share a screenshot of the rule that you have so far? 

MHassan January 18, 2023

Hey @John Funk 
Sure, thank you for the quick reply:

If you need any further informations please let me know.

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 18, 2023

Is there a post function on the transition that would assign it to the current user? If so, you need to remove that. 

Or is there another automation rule running that would assign it? This rule above should not assign it to you based on anything I see in it. 

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