Auto fill in the field Description when creating a bug

Александр Поромов January 31, 2019

Good time! Can I create a script to automatically fill in the Description field at the time the bug is created?


2 answers

0 votes
Ola O. June 19, 2022

@Александр Поромов I would like to know if you achieved this automation. I am also looking for a way to prefill the 'Description box' with information similar to yours.

0 votes
Deleted user January 31, 2019

Hi there,

Thanks for your question. It is possible depending on what your requirements are. What are they?


Simeon [Automation for Jira]

Александр Поромов February 1, 2019

1. Action - click on the cross. The task creation window opens.
2. Task type - bug and sub-bug
3. The "Description" field is filled with the pattern

* Precondition: *
* Playback steps: *
* Actual result: *
*Expected Result:*

Deleted user February 3, 2019

Hi there,

I'm afraid that you cannot do that with Automation for Jira. We steer clear of hooking into the UI. You could write a rule that added that info to the description after a ticket has been created but we don't provide the ability to edit the content of a screen I'm afraid.


Александр Поромов February 4, 2019

Yes, I wrote the rule for filling out the field after creating the task, but I wanted to achieve complete control and fill it out a little earlier. thank you very much for the answer

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